The loyalty item lines are independent from each other, so one loyalty card can accrue and spend points (if the card type is Card Tender or Contact Type).
No. | Calculation type | Type name | Quantity/Amount | Multiplier type | Loyalty points |
1 | Tender | Credit Card | 1 | Amount | 1 |
2 | Retail Group | Meat | 20 | Amount | 10 |
3 | Retail Group | Clothes | 2 | Quantity | 20 |
4 | Item | 551000 | 100 | Amount | 10 |
5 | Item | 551000 | 5 | Quantity | 10 |
6 | Tender | Loyalty Card | 1 | Amount | 10* |
* used as payment/subtraction from total in POS calculation
1. For every $1 paid by credit card, the customer accrues 1 loyalty point.
2. For every $20 spent on items in the Retail Group: Meat the customer accrues 10 loyalty points.
3. For every 2 items purchased in the Retail Group: Clothes the customer accrues 20 loyalty points.
4. When a customer spends $100 on item 55100 the customer accrues 10 points, if the customer spends $200 on these items, they would accrue 20 points, however, if they spend $150, they would only accrue 10 points.
5. When a customer purchases 5 of the item 55100, they accrue 10 points.
6. When paying with a loyalty card, for every $1, 10 points are used
Last updated: | 28th November 2013 |
Version: | LS One 2013.2 |