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Calculating Points Example

The loyalty item lines are independent from each other, so one loyalty card can accrue and spend points (if the card type is Card Tender or Contact Type).

Loyalty Scheme Rules:

No. Calculation type Type name Quantity/Amount Multiplier type Loyalty points
1 Tender Credit Card 1 Amount 1
2 Retail Group Meat 20 Amount 10
3 Retail Group Clothes 2 Quantity 20
4 Item 551000 100 Amount 10
5 Item 551000 5 Quantity 10
6 Tender Loyalty Card 1 Amount 10*

* used as payment/subtraction from total in POS calculation


1. For every $1 paid by credit card, the customer accrues 1 loyalty point.

2. For every $20 spent on items in the Retail Group: Meat the customer accrues 10 loyalty points.

3. For every 2 items purchased in the Retail Group: Clothes the customer accrues 20 loyalty points.

4. When a customer spends $100 on item 55100 the customer accrues 10 points, if the customer spends $200 on these items, they would accrue 20 points, however, if they spend $150, they would only accrue 10 points.

5. When a customer purchases 5 of the item 55100, they accrue 10 points.

6. When paying with a loyalty card, for every $1, 10 points are used

See also

Loyalty Scheme Rules


Last updated: 28th November 2013
Version: LS One 2013.2




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